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Visit of the TSU Faculty of Medicine delegation to Göttingen University

From October 14-16, 2024, a delegation from Tbilisi State University (TSU) visited Göttingen, Germany. The delegation included Associate Professor Maia Bitskinashvili, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine; Professor Dimitri Kordzaia, Director of the TSU Alexander Natishvili Institute of Morphology; and Assistant Professor Lika Svanadze, Internationalization Manager of the Faculty of Medicine. The visit was organized by Professor Otto Rienhoff, a Professor of Medical Informatics at the University of Göttingen and Chair of the International Council of Advisors for TSU's Faculty of Medicine.

During the visit, the TSU delegation met with Professor Wolfgang Brück, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Göttingen University. They discussed initiating student exchange programs and the potential for collaborative projects to secure various European grants by forming a joint research team. Professor Brückalso expressed interest in collaborating on digital pathology with the pathoanatomy laboratory at the Alexander Natishvili Institute of Morphology. He presented the medal of Göttingen University to the Dean of TSU's Faculty of Medicine.

Additionally, the TSU delegation met with Professor Dagmar Krefting, head of the Department of Medical Informatics, and Vice Dean Professor Martin Opperman. They discussed support for developing digital medicine curricula within TSU’s medical education programs. During the international scientific workshop, the delegation engaged with representatives from the Neuropathology, Anatomy Institute, and Digital Surgery Department at Göttingen University, exchanging information on ongoing projects and agreeing on future collaborations.

This visit marks a significant step in the ongoing partnership with Göttingen University Clinic, aimed at finalizing student exchange programs and forming a joint research team to pursue European grants, particularly in digital pathology. Furthermore, there are plans for Georgian researchers to join the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) in the digital medicine field. A visit from the Göttingen University delegation to Georgia is planned for May 2025.